Stepping in to a crowd of fabricated smiles. Lined up in two rows, waiting to being.
The strings sing a sad song, a melody so sour. The dancing begins as all feelings dim.
The crowd becomes a mass of voices turning. So fast, so strong the walls turn to stone.
Spinning 'round and 'round in circles the colors start to blend, until everyone's painted the same.
We all play a guessing game, in this masquerade. - Jackie Kimball 2006
If there's one thing that wears on me in life, it's this game we all seem to play of masquerade. We put on these hideously designed masks of pure lies and self-hardened expressions. It's so painful and empty, and there's no contrast to our emotions. We are not cookie cutter people. We have been individually molded to be apart, but as one. Think about when you get a paper cut on your finger, you slap a band-aid over it and go on with your day; but it's so uncomfortable and distracting to wear. It's easier to leave the band-aid off, and use that finger more gently, and work with the others. Why is this not so in our lives?
Day in and day out, we call people friends. We are always running up to hear the story and give our advice, and while that's good, do you stop and think about that person after? How deep do you really take the words "I'll pray for you." when a friend says it to you, or you say it to them? Do your friends even REALLY know you? We need to share each-others burdens; Show mercy to another when we know they're going through hard times.
It's sad to me that people get so caught up in knowing the problems of everyone else's life, but don't spend time being part of the solution. There are hurting people among us, some who have stories they're afraid to share and be judged about. They don't need your sympathy, they need your compassion.. spend time listening and offering advice, but when you go home remember them. You can spew out words that make them feel encouraged, but when you're done speaking, remember them. Remember them and take time to let them know and more importantly be an intercessor for them. Take your needs to the cross, take theirs too.
I feel like we think we're all supposed to have these fairy-tale lives, and it's simply not true. Everyone one of us has a personality flaw, or financial problems or just life troubles in general. But God's words commands us to lay our burdens at His feet. Why should we act as if we don't "need" to do that? We should be so grateful to have a God who is willing to acknowledge us, and take our sorrow and fears. We need to kill our pride, and wash ourselves from this game of "perfect world" and just be real. Don't wallow in self-pity, but ask your friends to pray for you.. and pray for them as well.
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load. Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor.- Galatians 6:2-6
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