Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Proverbs 22:6

"good management doesn't mean perfect outcome. It didn't for God, and it doesn't for us" - John Piper

    I read this in a blog today, a very strong and true statement! The truth is, we can either be brought up in the word or brought up in the world. Neither has a definite outcome. Being brought up in the world doesn't guarantee us an eternity apart from God. On the contrary, being brought up in the WORD doesn't guarantee us a sinless life.. Many times I have pondered the passage in Proverbs "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it." (Proverbs 22:6 NLT)  Nowhere in the passage does it claim they will perfectly walk the "straight and narrow". Nobody, I don't care who you are has walked a perfect path, we're all subject to sin. It's whether we choose to repent or not that is important. 

   As a parent, I sometimes get insecure about my sons' behavior, and his strong will, even at 3. I worry it reflects my parenting skills in some way, that I'm not doing something right. But looking at Proverbs 22:6, I understand more about bringing my child up and guiding him and teaching him about Gods' love. It doesn't dismiss the fact that he's 3, or that he has his own traits. It's doesn't mean when he gets older, that he won't veer to the left, or the right. We were ALL born with our own minds and will. I can only do my best as a parent to express the importance of walking with God, and pray for him to someday become the man God has designed him to be. 

   More than a few times, I myself have thought or have heard others blame someone's choices in life, on their parents. This is not always the case. I know I have my own views that differ from my parents, I do a lot of things differently. That's because I am an individual. We all are. We can preach to our children till the cows come home, and in the end they still make their own choices. Does that mean we throw in the towel and say "well whatever happens, happens"? Absolutely not. You continue to guide, listen and pray. Being a parent, especially in this sense doesn't end until you leave this earth. I know I will take my guidance from the Lord in raising my son with love, wisdom and discipline. In doing so, I will not pray for a "perfect outcome", but for a "perfect ending". 

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