Thursday, January 20, 2011

"What do we endure for Him?"

1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. - Hebrews 12:1 & 2

    Imagine being in His shoes. He had wronged no man, or God, yet He endured ridicule and the ultimate shame of crucifixion. I don't think in our day, we regard crucifixion in the same way people did in Jesus day. It was at the bottom of the pit as far as human consequence goes. We are so desensitized to shame or "sin", because now a days, it's everywhere. The crucifixion was the end of a process, which was a very shameful experience not only for the person, but any who associated with them. 

  So let's start with the process. If you look up the history of crucifixion, one of the first things you'll find is the criminal was first stripped of their clothes. Given little, or no coverings. Being it was a public event, could you imagine how humiliating that would be? To be stripped of everything in front of your mother, father, friends? 

We turn away when someone offends us. This is what our Savior endured, for you and me.

  Next, the bruising and beating. We're not talking about mere childish fist throwing, and kicking. It says Jesus was marred more than any man. (Isaiah 52:14- "But many were amazed when they saw him. His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human, and from his appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man." NLT) His was so badly whipped and battered, that you could not recognize him. His flesh was ripped down to the bone. 

And we cry about a paper cut? This is what our Savior endured, for you and me. 

  He was beaten not only physically, but emotionally too. He was pushed around, called a liar. They laughed at him as they made him a crown of thorns, and forced it onto his already wounded head. He was spit on, and mocked as he was forced to carry the cross and bleed openly through crowds of people. 

We give up on something God asked us to do because it's "too hard". This is what our savior endured, for you and me. 

  Then came the nails, driven through his hands and feet, and set up on the cross, in public display. Naked, deformed, and alone. The weight of the sins of the WHOLE world, were placed upon him. So thick and so heavy that God himself, had to turn His face away. He died in pain... He died in disgrace.. He died alone. 

We get upset when someone sits in our usual Sunday seats. This is what our savior endured for you and me. 

   How dare we even give ourselves the title of a "follower of Christ" and think ourselves worthy to be blessed by Him. What an incredible God we serve, one we're NOT worthy of serving. It is so humbling to think that He WANTS us to worship him... He ASKS us to follow Him. We didn't invite ourselves, He invited us. This living God who walked a road that we couldn't have, a road that He didn't deserve; all because He LOVES us. We complain, we disobey, we are impure in ways and thoughts. We are envious, we are revengeful, we are hurtful to each other. We break His heart over and over again; Yet He pleads for our life, our salvation. This is what our Savior endures for you and me.

  We all struggle with pride, we all struggle with hurt and sin. But we are able to lay it all at His feet and worship and serve Him. He thinks us worthy to be His hands and feet, when we're the reason they were pierced. 

His Love endures all this for you and me..... but what do we endure for Him?

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