There are times in life, sweet moments when there are no words. It's in those moments you can do nothing but be still, in those moments nobody else exists, it's just you and Him. It's these moments when Heaven meets the earth. In these tranquil moments we are yet again reminded of just how small we are in the realm of things. Our knees shake, our heart beats with the force of a thousand drums. This is where we meet with Him, in that secret place. This is our blessing, this is our treasure; this is worship.
I am so unworthy of His love, and His majesty and His acknowledgement. Thank you God for meeting with me today, I am lost for words.
3 I will give you hidden treasures,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the LORD,
the God of Israel, who summons you by name.- Isaiah 45:3 (NIV)
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